Friday, October 19, 2007

Weekly Challenge: Speed of Gravity Challenge

Game: Fold

Challenge: Speed of Gravity Challenge

Summary: The easiest way to do this (my personal way) is to just do the level as fast as you can. If you can't beat a level, keep trying in Ghost Mode until you're confident enough that you know you can beat it.

Level 1: Super easy. Just run forward and get rid of the anomaly blocking your path.
Level 2: Another really easy one. Just create an anomaly pointing about west and climb the wall up to the portal/door thing.
Level 3: I think this one is a so-so level. What you gotta do is throw an anomaly to the ledge to the right of the gears. The anomaly has gotta be pointing north-eastern. Then you gotta jump to it.
Level 4: Another medium-ish one. Throw an anomaly pointing east at the corner to the right of the gear. Jump to it and go into the portal.
Level 5: Create an anomaly next to the first step that is pointing north. Have it shoot you up to the next step and do the same. Go into the portal.
Level 6: My hardest one. First throw an anomaly pointing west at the top corner by the portal. Jump to it and hope you get into the portal.
Level 7: Jump across the gear to your left. the go up to the top-left gear and throw an anomaly point to the wall that you could jump to. Jump to it and run into the portal.
Level 8: Harder one. Create an anomaly point east right above the one already there. Jump up to it and walk along the wall, continually throwing more anomally pointing east above the one you're on. Make sure that you jump to throw the anomallies, or else they'll go flying. When you jump, make sure you're in the middle of your anomally.
Level 9: Another hard one. Do what you did last time, except on the left wall. Make your anomalies are pointing west. Walk up the wall. When you get to the ceiling, make an anomally pointing north and walk on the ceiling. Go into the portal.
Level 10: Hardest level on easy. Just walk along the left wall throwing anomallies that point west. When you get to the ceiling, throw one that points north and keep throwing them along the wall. BE CAREFUL NOT TO FALL.

The Episode is complete! Great job!


Kongregate is an just awesome gaming website that allows you do chat while playing games. Also, there are achievements such as badges and cards. If you get a badge, then you get some points depending on the difficulty of the achievement. Easy badges are worth 5, medium are worth 15, hard are worth 30, and impossible are worth 60. Each week on Friday night the creator of the website, Greg, will choose a game to become the Weekly Challenge. If you complete the weekly challenge you get a card for the TCG that will be coming soon.

Gather the Kongregians

Ok, I'll admit it. This is a ripoff from COCAK. Mainly this is just for my friends who need help with their badges. I'll probably show more glitches and cheats than COCAK. And I'll only be able to show the badges that I have, so there'll be a lot, just not as much as COCAK.